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An analysis of an M vs. H experiment that determines basic information about the hysteresis loop (i.e., saturation magnetization, coercive field, remnant field).


Name Type Description Default
dataset Magnetometry

The Magnetometry object which contains the MvsH object to be analyzed.

parsing_args SimpleMvsHAnalysisParsingArgs

Arguments needed to parse the Magnetometry object to obtain the MvsH object to be analyzed.



Name Type Description
parsing_args SimpleMvsHAnalysisParsingArgs

Arguments needed to parse the Magnetometry object to obtain the MvsH object to be analyzed.

mvsh MvsH

The analyzed MvsH object.

results SimpleMvsHAnalysisResults

The results of the analysis.

Source code in magnetopy\analyses\
class SimpleMvsHAnalysis:
    """An analysis of an M vs. H experiment that determines basic information about the
    hysteresis loop (i.e., saturation magnetization, coercive field, remnant field).

    dataset : Magnetometry
        The `Magnetometry` object which contains the `MvsH` object to be analyzed.
    parsing_args : SimpleMvsHAnalysisParsingArgs
        Arguments needed to parse the `Magnetometry` object to obtain the `MvsH` object
        to be analyzed.

    parsing_args : SimpleMvsHAnalysisParsingArgs
        Arguments needed to parse the `Magnetometry` object to obtain the `MvsH` object
        to be analyzed.
    mvsh : MvsH
        The analyzed `MvsH` object.
    results : SimpleMvsHAnalysisResults
        The results of the analysis.

    def __init__(
        dataset: Magnetometry,
        parsing_args: SimpleMvsHAnalysisParsingArgs,
    ) -> None:
        self.parsing_args = parsing_args
        self.mvsh = dataset.get_mvsh(self.parsing_args.temperature)
        segments = self._get_segments()
        m_s = self._determine_m_s(segments)
        h_c = self._determine_h_c(segments)
        m_r = self._determine_m_r(segments)
        moment_units = self._determine_moment_units()
        field_units = "Oe"
        self.results = SimpleMvsHAnalysisResults(
            m_s, h_c, m_r, moment_units, field_units, list(segments.keys())

    def _get_segments(self) -> dict[str, pd.DataFrame]:
        segments: dict[str : pd.DataFrame] = {}
        if self.parsing_args.segments == "auto":
                segments["forward"] = self.mvsh.simplified_data("forward")
            except MvsH.SegmentError:
                segments["reverse"] = self.mvsh.simplified_data("reverse")
            except MvsH.SegmentError:
            if self.parsing_args.segments in ["loop", "forward"]:
                segments["forward"] = self.mvsh.simplified_data("forward")
            if self.parsing_args.segments in ["loop", "reverse"]:
                segments["reverse"] = self.mvsh.simplified_data("reverse")
        return segments

    def _determine_m_s(self, segments: dict[str, pd.DataFrame]) -> float:
        m_s = 0
        for segment in segments.values():
            m_s += (segment["moment"].max() + abs(segment["moment"].min())) / 2
        return m_s / len(segments)

    def _determine_h_c(self, segments: dict[str, pd.DataFrame]) -> float:
        h_c = 0
        for segment in segments.values():
            h_c += abs(segment["field"].iloc[segment["moment"].abs().idxmin()])
        return h_c / len(segments)

    def _determine_m_r(self, segments: dict[str, pd.DataFrame]) -> float:
        m_r = 0
        for segment in segments.values():
            m_r += abs(segment["moment"].iloc[segment["field"].abs().idxmin()])
        return m_r / len(segments)

    def _determine_moment_units(self) -> str:
        scaling = self.mvsh.scaling
        if not scaling:
            return "emu"
        elif "mass" in scaling:
            return "emu/g"
        elif "molar" in scaling:
            return "bohr magnetons/mol"

    def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Return a dictionary representation of the analysis.

        dict[str, Any]
            Keys are `"mvsh"`, `"parsing_args"`, and `"results"`.
        return {
            "_class_": self.__class__.__name__,
            "mvsh": self.mvsh,
            "parsing_args": self.parsing_args,
            "results": self.results,


Return a dictionary representation of the analysis.


Type Description
dict[str, Any]

Keys are "mvsh", "parsing_args", and "results".

Source code in magnetopy\analyses\
def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Return a dictionary representation of the analysis.

    dict[str, Any]
        Keys are `"mvsh"`, `"parsing_args"`, and `"results"`.
    return {
        "_class_": self.__class__.__name__,
        "mvsh": self.mvsh,
        "parsing_args": self.parsing_args,
        "results": self.results,

SimpleMvsHAnalysisParsingArgs dataclass

Arguments needed to parse a Magnetometry object during the course of an analysis performed by SimpleMvsHAnalysis.


Name Type Description
temperature float

The temperature in Kelvin of the measurement to be analyzed.

segments (Literal['auto', 'loop', 'forward', 'reverse'], optional)

The segments of the measurement to be analyzed. If "auto", the forward and reverse segments will be analyzed if they exist and will be ignored if they don't. If "loop", the forward and reverse segments will be analyzed if they exist and an error will be raised if they don't. If "forward" or "reverse", only the forward or reverse segment will be analyzed, respectively.

Source code in magnetopy\analyses\
class SimpleMvsHAnalysisParsingArgs:
    """Arguments needed to parse a `Magnetometry` object during the course of an
    analysis performed by `SimpleMvsHAnalysis`.

    temperature : float
        The temperature in Kelvin of the measurement to be analyzed.
    segments : Literal["auto", "loop", "forward", "reverse"], optional
        The segments of the measurement to be analyzed. If `"auto"`, the forward and
        reverse segments will be analyzed if they exist and will be ignored if they
        don't. If `"loop"`, the forward and reverse segments will be analyzed if they
        exist and an error will be raised if they don't. If `"forward"` or `"reverse"`,
        only the forward or reverse segment will be analyzed, respectively.

    temperature: float
    segments: Literal["auto", "loop", "forward", "reverse"] = "auto"

    def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        output = asdict(self)
        output["_class_"] = self.__class__.__name__
        return output

SimpleMvsHAnalysisResults dataclass

The results of an analysis performed by SimpleMvsHAnalysis.


Name Type Description
m_s float

The saturation magnetization of the sample in units of moment_units.

h_c float

The coercive field of the sample in units of field_units.

m_r float

The remanent magnetization of the sample in units of moment_units.

moment_units str

The units of the saturation magnetization and remanent magnetization.

field_units str

The units of the coercive field.

segments list[{forward, reverse}]

The segments of the measurement that were analyzed.

Source code in magnetopy\analyses\
class SimpleMvsHAnalysisResults:
    """The results of an analysis performed by `SimpleMvsHAnalysis`.

    m_s : float
        The saturation magnetization of the sample in units of `moment_units`.
    h_c : float
        The coercive field of the sample in units of `field_units`.
    m_r : float
        The remanent magnetization of the sample in units of `moment_units`.
    moment_units : str
        The units of the saturation magnetization and remanent magnetization.
    field_units : str
        The units of the coercive field.
    segments : list[{"forward", "reverse"}]
        The segments of the measurement that were analyzed.

    m_s: float
    h_c: float
    m_r: float
    moment_units: str
    field_units: str
    segments: Literal["forward", "reverse"]

    def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        output = asdict(self)
        output["_class_"] = self.__class__.__name__
        return output