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These functions are used within the various data file and experiment classes and it's unlikely you'll need them while performing data analysis using magnetopy. Future development of new classes for new types of data files or new experiments may find these useful, though.

label_clusters(vals, eps=0.001, min_samples=10)

For determining the nominal values of data in a series containing one or more nominal values with some fluctuations. The data is first normalized using sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler(), then clustered using sklearn.cluster.DBSCAN().

It is assumed that all data belongs to a cluster (i.e. there are no outliers). If this is not the case, eps is increased by a factor of 10 and the clustering is tried again.


Name Type Description Default
vals pd.Series

A series of data containing one or more nominal values with some fluctuations.

eps float

Passed to sklearn.cluster.DBSCAN(). The maximum distance between two samples for one to be considered as in the neighborhood of the other, by default 0.001.

min_samples int

Passed to sklearn.cluster.DBSCAN(). The number of samples in a neighborhood for a point to be considered as a core point, by default 10.



Type Description

An array of the same size as vals which contains the cluster labels for each element in vals.

Source code in magnetopy\
def label_clusters(
    vals: pd.Series, eps: float = 0.001, min_samples: int = 10
) -> np.ndarray:
    """For determining the nominal values of data in a series containing one or more
    nominal values with some fluctuations. The data is first normalized using
    `sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler()`, then clustered using

    It is assumed that all data belongs to a cluster (i.e. there are no outliers). If
    this is not the case, `eps` is increased by a factor of 10 and the clustering is
    tried again.

    vals : pd.Series
        A series of data containing one or more nominal values with some fluctuations.
    eps : float, optional
        Passed to `sklearn.cluster.DBSCAN()`. The maximum distance between two samples
        for one to be considered as in the neighborhood of the other, by default 0.001.
    min_samples : int, optional
        Passed to `sklearn.cluster.DBSCAN()`. The number of samples in a neighborhood
        for a point to be considered as a core point, by default 10.

        An array of the same size as `vals` which contains the cluster labels for each
        element in `vals`.
    reshaped_vals = vals.values.reshape(-1, 1)
    scaler = StandardScaler()
    reshaped_normalized_vals = scaler.fit_transform(reshaped_vals)
    # adjust eps based on the range of the normalized data
    eps_scaled = np.ptp(reshaped_normalized_vals) * eps
    dbscan = DBSCAN(eps=eps_scaled, min_samples=min_samples)
    cluster_labels = dbscan.fit_predict(reshaped_normalized_vals)
    # all values should be assigned to a cluster
    # if not, increase eps and try again
    if -1 in cluster_labels:
        cluster_labels = label_clusters(vals, eps=eps * 10, min_samples=min_samples)
    return cluster_labels

unique_values(x, eps=0.001, min_samples=10, ndigits=0)

Given a series of data containing one or more nominal values with some noise, returns a list of the nominal values.


Name Type Description Default
x pd.Series

A series of data containing one or more nominal values with some noise.

eps float

Passed to label_clusters(). The maximum distance between two samples for one to be considered as in the neighborhood of the other, by default 0.001.

min_samples int

Passed to label_clusters(). The number of samples in a neighborhood for a point to be considered as a core point, by default 10.

ndigits int

The number of digits after the decimal point to round the nominal values to, by default 0.



Type Description

The nominal values in x with the noise removed.

Source code in magnetopy\
def unique_values(
    x: pd.Series, eps: float = 0.001, min_samples: int = 10, ndigits: int = 0
) -> list[int | float]:
    """Given a series of data containing one or more nominal values with some noise,
    returns a list of the nominal values.

    x : pd.Series
        A series of data containing one or more nominal values with some noise.
    eps : float, optional
        Passed to `label_clusters()`. The maximum distance between two samples for one
        to be considered as in the neighborhood of the other, by default 0.001.
    min_samples : int, optional
        Passed to `label_clusters()`. The number of samples in a neighborhood for a
        point to be considered as a core point, by default 10.
    ndigits : int, optional
        The number of digits after the decimal point to round the nominal values to,
        by default 0.

        The nominal values in `x` with the noise removed.
    cluster_labels = label_clusters(x, eps=eps, min_samples=min_samples)
    unique_vals = []
    for i in np.unique(cluster_labels):
        # average the values in each cluster
        unique_val = np.mean(x[cluster_labels == i])
        unique_val = round(unique_val, ndigits)
        if ndigits == 0:
            unique_val = int(unique_val)
    return unique_vals

find_outlier_indices(x, threshold=3)

Finds the indices of outliers in a series of data.


Name Type Description Default
x pd.Series

A series of data.

threshold float

The number of standard deviations from the mean to consider a value an outlier, by default 3.



Type Description

The indices of the outliers in x.

Source code in magnetopy\
def find_outlier_indices(x: pd.Series, threshold: float = 3) -> list[int]:
    """Finds the indices of outliers in a series of data.

    x : pd.Series
        A series of data.
    threshold : float, optional
        The number of standard deviations from the mean to consider a value an outlier,
        by default 3.

        The indices of the outliers in `x`.
    z_scores = (x - x.mean()) / x.std()
    outliers = z_scores.abs() > threshold
    return list(outliers[outliers].index)

find_temp_turnaround_point(df, num_endpoints_ignored=20)

Finds the index of the temperature turnaround point in a dataframe of a ZFCFC experiment which includes a column "Temperature (K)". Can handle two cases in which a single dataframe contains first a ZFC experiment, then a FC experiment: - Case 1: ZFC temperature monotonically increases, then FC temperature monotonically decreases. - Case 2: ZFC temperature monotonically increases, the temperature is reset to a lower value, then FC temperature monotonically increases.


Name Type Description Default
df pd.DataFrame

A dataframe of a ZFCFC experiment which includes a column "Temperature (K)".

num_endpoints_ignored int

The number of endpoints to ignore when finding the turnaround point, by default 20. This is useful when dealing with data collecting by scanning temperature, as there are often 20 or so points at the end of the scane where the temperature is very slowly settling.



Type Description

The index of the temperature turnaround point.

Source code in magnetopy\
def find_temp_turnaround_point(
    df: pd.DataFrame, num_endpoints_ignored: int = 20
) -> int:
    """Finds the index of the temperature turnaround point in a dataframe of
    a ZFCFC experiment which includes a column "Temperature (K)". Can handle two cases
    in which a single dataframe contains first a ZFC experiment, then a FC experiment:
    - Case 1: ZFC temperature monotonically increases, then FC temperature
    monotonically decreases.
    - Case 2: ZFC temperature monotonically increases, the temperature is reset to a
    lower value, then FC temperature monotonically increases.

    df : pd.DataFrame
        A dataframe of a ZFCFC experiment which includes a column "Temperature (K)".
    num_endpoints_ignored : int, optional
        The number of endpoints to ignore when finding the turnaround point, by default
        20. This is useful when dealing with data collecting by scanning temperature,
        as there are often 20 or so points at the end of the scane where the
        temperature is very slowly settling.

        The index of the temperature turnaround point.
    outlier_indices = find_outlier_indices(df["Temperature (K)"].diff())
    if len(outlier_indices) == 0:
        # Case 1: zfc temp increases, fc temp decreases
        zero_point = abs(
            df["Temperature (K)"]
        return zero_point
        # Case 2: zfc temp increases, reset temp, fc temp increases
        return outlier_indices[0]

find_sequence_starts(x, flucuation_tolerance=0)

Find the indices of the start of each sequence in a series of data, where a sequences is defined as a series of numbers that constantly increase or decrease. Changes below fluctuation_tolerance are ignored.


Name Type Description Default
x pd.Series

A series of data.

flucuation_tolerance float

Changes below this value are ignored, by default 0.



>>>x = pd.Series([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1])
[0, 5]
>>>y = pd.Series([0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3])
[0, 4]
Source code in magnetopy\
def find_sequence_starts(
    x: pd.Series,
    flucuation_tolerance: float = 0,
) -> list[int]:
    """Find the indices of the start of each sequence in a series of data,
    where a sequences is defined as a series of numbers that constantly increase or decrease.
    Changes below `fluctuation_tolerance` are ignored.

    x : pd.Series
        A series of data.
    flucuation_tolerance : float, optional
        Changes below this value are ignored, by default 0.

    >>>x = pd.Series([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1])
    [0, 5]

    >>>y = pd.Series([0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3])
    [0, 4]
    if flucuation_tolerance < 0:
        raise ValueError("fluctuation_tolerance must be non-negative")
    df = pd.DataFrame({"x": x, "diff": x.diff()})
    df["direction"] = np.where(df["diff"] > 0, 1, -1)
    start: int = df.index.start  # type: ignore[start, "direction"] =[
        start + 1, "direction"
    ]  # since the first value of diff is NaN
    # if there's a really small diff value with the opposite sign of diff values around it, it's probably a mistake
    sequence_starts = [0]
    for i in df[start + 2 :].index:
        last2_dir =[i - 2, "direction"]  # type: ignore
        last1_dir =[i - 1, "direction"]  # type: ignore
        current_dir =[i, "direction"]
            next1_dir =[i + 1, "direction"]  # type: ignore
            next2_dir =[i + 2, "direction"]  # type: ignore
            next3_dir =[i + 3, "direction"]  # type: ignore
        except KeyError:
            # reached end of dataframe

        # below handles, for example, zfc from 5 to 300 K, drop temp to 5 K, fc from 5 to 300 K
        if (current_dir != last1_dir) and (current_dir != next1_dir):
            if abs([i, "diff"]) < flucuation_tolerance:
                # this is a fluctuation and should be ignored
      [i, "direction"] = last1_dir
                current_dir = last1_dir
                sequence_starts.append(i)  # type: ignore

        # below handles, for example, zfc from 5 to 300 K, fc from 300 to 5 K
        # assumes there won't be any fluctuations at the beginning of a sequence
        if (
            (last2_dir == last1_dir)
            and (current_dir != last1_dir)
            and (current_dir == next1_dir == next2_dir == next3_dir)
            sequence_starts.append(i)  # type: ignore

    return sequence_starts