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Bases: GenericFile

A class for reading and storing data from a Quantum Design .dat file from a MPMS3 magnetometer.


Name Type Description Default
file_path str | Path

The path to the .dat file.

parse_raw bool

By default False. If True and there is a corresponding .rw.dat file, the raw data will be parsed and stored in the raw_scan column of the data attribute.



Name Type Description
local_path Path

The path to the .dat file.

header list[list[str]]

The header of the .dat file.

data pd.DataFrame

The data from the .dat file.

comments OrderedDict[str, list[str]]

Any comments found in the "Comment" column within the "[Data]" section of the .dat file.

length int

The length of the .dat file in bytes.

sha512 str

The SHA512 hash of the .dat file.

date_created datetime

The date and time the .dat file was created.

experiments_in_file list[str]

The experiments contained in the .dat file. Can include "mvsh", "zfc", "fc", and/or "zfcfc".

Source code in magnetopy\
class DatFile(GenericFile):
    """A class for reading and storing data from a Quantum Design .dat file from a
    MPMS3 magnetometer.

    file_path : str | Path
        The path to the .dat file.
    parse_raw : bool, optional
        By default `False`. If `True` and there is a corresponding .rw.dat file, the
        raw data will be parsed and stored in the `raw_scan` column of the `data`

    local_path : Path
        The path to the .dat file.
    header : list[list[str]]
        The header of the .dat file.
    data : pd.DataFrame
        The data from the .dat file.
    comments : OrderedDict[str, list[str]]
        Any comments found in the "Comment" column within the "[Data]" section of the
        .dat file.
    length : int
        The length of the .dat file in bytes.
    sha512 : str
        The SHA512 hash of the .dat file.
    date_created : datetime
        The date and time the .dat file was created.
    experiments_in_file : list[str]
        The experiments contained in the .dat file. Can include "mvsh", "zfc", "fc",
        and/or "zfcfc".

    def __init__(self, file_path: str | Path, parse_raw: bool = False) -> None:
        super().__init__(file_path, "magnetometry")
        self.header = self._read_header() = self._read_data()
        self.comments = self._get_comments()
        self.date_created = self._get_date_created()
        self.experiments_in_file = self._get_experiments_in_file()
        if parse_raw:
            rw_dat_file = self.local_path.parent / (self.local_path.stem + ".rw.dat")
            if rw_dat_file.exists():

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return f"DatFile({})"

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"DatFile({})"

    def _read_header(self, delimiter: str = "\t") -> list[list[str]]:
        header: list[list[str]] = []
        with"utf-8") as f:
            reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=delimiter)
            for row in reader:
                if row[0] == "[Data]":
        if len(header[2]) == 1:
            # some .dat files have a header that is delimited by commas
            header = self._read_header(delimiter=",")
        return header

    def _read_data(
        sep: str = "\t",
    ) -> pd.DataFrame:
        skip_rows = len(self.header)
        df = pd.read_csv(self.local_path, sep=sep, skiprows=skip_rows)
        if df.shape[1] == 1:
            # some .dat files have a header that is delimited by commas
            df = self._read_data(sep=",")
        return df

    def _get_comments(self) -> OrderedDict[str, list[str]]:
        comments =["Comment"].dropna()
        comments = OrderedDict(comments)
        for key, value in comments.items():
            comments[key] = [comment.strip() for comment in value.split(",")]
        return comments

    def _get_date_created(self) -> datetime:
        for line in self.header:
            if line[0] == "FILEOPENTIME":
                day = line[2]
                hour = line[3]
        hour24 = datetime.strptime(hour, "%I:%M %p")
        day = [int(x) for x in day.split("/")]
        return datetime(day[2], day[0], day[1], hour24.hour, hour24.minute)

    def _get_experiments_in_file(self) -> list[str]:
        experiments = []
        if self.comments:
            for comments in self.comments.values():
                for comment in comments:
                    if comment.lower() in ["mvsh", "zfc", "fc", "zfcfc"]:
        elif (filename := filename_label(, "", True)) != "unknown":
            if len(["Magnetic Field (Oe)"].unique()) == 1:
        return experiments

    def append_raw_data(self, rw_dat_file: str | Path) -> None:
        """Adds a column "raw_scan" to the `data` attribute containing the raw data
        from the .rw.dat file.

        rw_dat_file : str | Path
            The path to the .rw.dat file.
        raw_scans = create_raw_scans(rw_dat_file)

    def combine_dat_and_raw_dfs(self, raw: list[DcMeasurement]) -> None:
        """Data from the .rw.dat file is converted to a list of DcMeasurement objects
        which must be integrated with the `DataFrame` stored in the `data` attribute.
        This is not completely straightforward in cases where there are comments in
        the .dat file. This method takes the list of DcMeasurement objects and
        integrates them with the `DataFrame` stored in the `data` attribute.

        raw : list[DcMeasurement]
            A list of DcMeasurement objects created from the .rw.dat file.
        if len( == len(raw):
            # there are no comments in the .dat file
  ["raw_scan"] = raw
            # we need to skip rows that have comments
            has_comment =["Comment"].notna()
            new_raw = []
            j = 0
            for i in range(len(
                if has_comment[i]:
                    j += 1
  ["raw_scan"] = new_raw

    def plot_raw(
        data_slice: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
        scan: Literal[
        ] = "up",
        center: Literal[
        ] = "free",
        colors: tuple[str, str] = ("purple", "orange"),
        label: bool = True,
        title: str = "",
    ) -> tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]:
        """If the `data` attribute contains raw data, this method will plot it.

        data_slice : tuple[int, int] | None, optional
            The slice of data to plot (start, stop). `None` by default. If `None`, all
            data will be plotted.
        scan : Literal["up", "up_raw", "down", "down_raw", "fit"], optional
            Which data to plot. `"up"` and `"down"` will plot the processed directional
            scans (which have been adjusted for drift and shifted to center the waveform
            around 0, but have not been fit), `"up_raw"` and `"down_raw"` will plot the raw
            voltages as the come straight off the SQUID, and `"fit"` will plot the
            fit data (which is the result of fitting the up and down scans). `"up"` by
        center : Literal["free", "fixed"], optional
            Only used if `scan` is `"fit"`; determines whether to plot the "Free C
            Fitted" or "Fixed C Fitted" data. `"free"` by default.
        colors : tuple[str, str], optional
            The (start, end) colors for the color gradient. `"purple"` and `"orange"` by
        label : bool, optional
            Default `True`. Whether to put labels on the plot for the initial and final
        title : str, optional
            The title of the plot. `""` by default.

        tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]
            The figure and axes objects created by `plot_raw`.

        return plot_raw(, data_slice, scan, center, colors, label, title)

    def plot_raw_residual(
        data_slice: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
        scan: Literal["up", "down"] = "up",
        center: Literal["free", "fixed"] = "free",
        colors: tuple[str, str] | None = None,
        label: bool = True,
        title: str = "",
    ) -> tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]:
        """If the `data` attribute contains raw data, this method will plot the
        residual between the raw data and the fit data.

        data_slice : tuple[int, int] | None, optional
            The slice of data to plot (start, stop). `None` by default. If `None`, all
            data will be plotted.
        scan : Literal["up", "down"], optional
            Which data to use in the residual calculation. `"up"` and `"down"` will use the
            processed directional scans (which have been adjusted for drift and shifted to
            center the waveform around 0, but have not been fit). `"up"` by default.
        center : Literal["free", "fixed"], optional
            Only used if `scan` is `"fit"`; determines whether to plot the "Free C
            Fitted" or "Fixed C Fitted" data. `"free"` by default.
        colors : tuple[str, str], optional
            The (start, end) colors for the color gradient. `"purple"` and `"orange"` by
        label : bool, optional
            Default `True`. Whether to put labels on the plot for the initial and final
        title : str, optional
            The title of the plot. `""` by default.

        tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]
            The figure and axes objects created by `plot_raw_residual`.

        return plot_raw_residual(
  , data_slice, scan, center, colors, label, title

    def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Serializes the DatFile object to a dictionary.

        dict[str, Any]
            Contains the following keys: local_path, length, date_created, sha512,
        output = super().as_dict()
        output["_class_"] = self.__class__.__name__
        output["experiments_in_file"] = self.experiments_in_file
        return output


Adds a column "raw_scan" to the data attribute containing the raw data from the .rw.dat file.


Name Type Description Default
rw_dat_file str | Path

The path to the .rw.dat file.

Source code in magnetopy\
def append_raw_data(self, rw_dat_file: str | Path) -> None:
    """Adds a column "raw_scan" to the `data` attribute containing the raw data
    from the .rw.dat file.

    rw_dat_file : str | Path
        The path to the .rw.dat file.
    raw_scans = create_raw_scans(rw_dat_file)


Data from the .rw.dat file is converted to a list of DcMeasurement objects which must be integrated with the DataFrame stored in the data attribute. This is not completely straightforward in cases where there are comments in the .dat file. This method takes the list of DcMeasurement objects and integrates them with the DataFrame stored in the data attribute.


Name Type Description Default
raw list[DcMeasurement]

A list of DcMeasurement objects created from the .rw.dat file.

Source code in magnetopy\
def combine_dat_and_raw_dfs(self, raw: list[DcMeasurement]) -> None:
    """Data from the .rw.dat file is converted to a list of DcMeasurement objects
    which must be integrated with the `DataFrame` stored in the `data` attribute.
    This is not completely straightforward in cases where there are comments in
    the .dat file. This method takes the list of DcMeasurement objects and
    integrates them with the `DataFrame` stored in the `data` attribute.

    raw : list[DcMeasurement]
        A list of DcMeasurement objects created from the .rw.dat file.
    if len( == len(raw):
        # there are no comments in the .dat file["raw_scan"] = raw
        # we need to skip rows that have comments
        has_comment =["Comment"].notna()
        new_raw = []
        j = 0
        for i in range(len(
            if has_comment[i]:
                j += 1["raw_scan"] = new_raw

plot_raw(data_slice=None, scan='up', center='free', colors=('purple', 'orange'), label=True, title='')

If the data attribute contains raw data, this method will plot it.


Name Type Description Default
data_slice tuple[int, int] | None

The slice of data to plot (start, stop). None by default. If None, all data will be plotted.

scan Literal['up', 'up_raw', 'down', 'down_raw', 'fit']

Which data to plot. "up" and "down" will plot the processed directional scans (which have been adjusted for drift and shifted to center the waveform around 0, but have not been fit), "up_raw" and "down_raw" will plot the raw voltages as the come straight off the SQUID, and "fit" will plot the fit data (which is the result of fitting the up and down scans). "up" by default.

center Literal['free', 'fixed']

Only used if scan is "fit"; determines whether to plot the "Free C Fitted" or "Fixed C Fitted" data. "free" by default.

colors tuple[str, str]

The (start, end) colors for the color gradient. "purple" and "orange" by default.

('purple', 'orange')
label bool

Default True. Whether to put labels on the plot for the initial and final scans.

title str

The title of the plot. "" by default.



Type Description
tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]

The figure and axes objects created by plot_raw.


Type Description
Source code in magnetopy\
def plot_raw(
    data_slice: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    scan: Literal[
    ] = "up",
    center: Literal[
    ] = "free",
    colors: tuple[str, str] = ("purple", "orange"),
    label: bool = True,
    title: str = "",
) -> tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]:
    """If the `data` attribute contains raw data, this method will plot it.

    data_slice : tuple[int, int] | None, optional
        The slice of data to plot (start, stop). `None` by default. If `None`, all
        data will be plotted.
    scan : Literal["up", "up_raw", "down", "down_raw", "fit"], optional
        Which data to plot. `"up"` and `"down"` will plot the processed directional
        scans (which have been adjusted for drift and shifted to center the waveform
        around 0, but have not been fit), `"up_raw"` and `"down_raw"` will plot the raw
        voltages as the come straight off the SQUID, and `"fit"` will plot the
        fit data (which is the result of fitting the up and down scans). `"up"` by
    center : Literal["free", "fixed"], optional
        Only used if `scan` is `"fit"`; determines whether to plot the "Free C
        Fitted" or "Fixed C Fitted" data. `"free"` by default.
    colors : tuple[str, str], optional
        The (start, end) colors for the color gradient. `"purple"` and `"orange"` by
    label : bool, optional
        Default `True`. Whether to put labels on the plot for the initial and final
    title : str, optional
        The title of the plot. `""` by default.

    tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]
        The figure and axes objects created by `plot_raw`.

    return plot_raw(, data_slice, scan, center, colors, label, title)

plot_raw_residual(data_slice=None, scan='up', center='free', colors=None, label=True, title='')

If the data attribute contains raw data, this method will plot the residual between the raw data and the fit data.


Name Type Description Default
data_slice tuple[int, int] | None

The slice of data to plot (start, stop). None by default. If None, all data will be plotted.

scan Literal['up', 'down']

Which data to use in the residual calculation. "up" and "down" will use the processed directional scans (which have been adjusted for drift and shifted to center the waveform around 0, but have not been fit). "up" by default.

center Literal['free', 'fixed']

Only used if scan is "fit"; determines whether to plot the "Free C Fitted" or "Fixed C Fitted" data. "free" by default.

colors tuple[str, str]

The (start, end) colors for the color gradient. "purple" and "orange" by default.

label bool

Default True. Whether to put labels on the plot for the initial and final scans.

title str

The title of the plot. "" by default.



Type Description
tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]

The figure and axes objects created by plot_raw_residual.


Type Description
Source code in magnetopy\
def plot_raw_residual(
    data_slice: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    scan: Literal["up", "down"] = "up",
    center: Literal["free", "fixed"] = "free",
    colors: tuple[str, str] | None = None,
    label: bool = True,
    title: str = "",
) -> tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]:
    """If the `data` attribute contains raw data, this method will plot the
    residual between the raw data and the fit data.

    data_slice : tuple[int, int] | None, optional
        The slice of data to plot (start, stop). `None` by default. If `None`, all
        data will be plotted.
    scan : Literal["up", "down"], optional
        Which data to use in the residual calculation. `"up"` and `"down"` will use the
        processed directional scans (which have been adjusted for drift and shifted to
        center the waveform around 0, but have not been fit). `"up"` by default.
    center : Literal["free", "fixed"], optional
        Only used if `scan` is `"fit"`; determines whether to plot the "Free C
        Fitted" or "Fixed C Fitted" data. `"free"` by default.
    colors : tuple[str, str], optional
        The (start, end) colors for the color gradient. `"purple"` and `"orange"` by
    label : bool, optional
        Default `True`. Whether to put labels on the plot for the initial and final
    title : str, optional
        The title of the plot. `""` by default.

    tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]
        The figure and axes objects created by `plot_raw_residual`.

    return plot_raw_residual(, data_slice, scan, center, colors, label, title


Serializes the DatFile object to a dictionary.


Type Description
dict[str, Any]

Contains the following keys: local_path, length, date_created, sha512, experiments_in_file.

Source code in magnetopy\
def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Serializes the DatFile object to a dictionary.

    dict[str, Any]
        Contains the following keys: local_path, length, date_created, sha512,
    output = super().as_dict()
    output["_class_"] = self.__class__.__name__
    output["experiments_in_file"] = self.experiments_in_file
    return output


The Quantum Design software fits the Processed Voltage data from the up and down scans and uses the fit values with system-specific calibration factors to convert the voltages to magnetic moment. This class stores both the raw and fit data from a single DC measurement.


Name Type Description Default
up_header pd.Series

The header information from the .rw.dat file for the up scan.

up_scan pd.DataFrame

The raw scan data from the .rw.dat file for the up scan.

down_header pd.Series

The header information from the .rw.dat file for the down scan.

down_scan pd.DataFrame

The raw scan data from the .rw.dat file for the down scan.

fit_scan pd.DataFrame

The fit scan data from the .rw.dat file.



Name Type Description
up RawDcScan

The information about and data from the up scan.

down RawDcScan

The information about and data from the down scan.

fit_scan FitDcScan

The fit scan data determined by fitting the up and down scans.


Information on the structure of a .rw.dat file can be found in the Quantum Design app note[1].

The fit scan is determined by fitting the up and down scans to the following equation[1]:

V(z)=S+A{2[R2+(z−C)2]−32−[R2+(L+z−C)2]−32−[R2+(−L+z−C)2]−32} V(z) = S + A \left\{ 2 \left[ R^2 + (z - C)^2 \right]^{-\frac{3}{2}} - [R^2 + (L + z - C)^2]^{-\frac{3}{2}} - [R^2 + (-L + z - C)^2]^{-\frac{3}{2}} \right\}

where S is the offset voltage, A is the amplitude, R is the radius of the gradiometer, L is half the length of the gradiometer, and C is the sample center position.


MPMS3 Application Note 1500-022: MPMS3 .rw.dat file format

MPMS3 Application Note 1500-023: Background subtraction using the MPMS3

Source code in magnetopy\
class DcMeasurement:
    The Quantum Design software fits the Processed Voltage data from the up and down
    scans and uses the fit values with system-specific calibration factors to convert
    the voltages to magnetic moment. This class stores both the raw and fit
    data from a single DC measurement.

    up_header : pd.Series
        The header information from the .rw.dat file for the up scan.
    up_scan : pd.DataFrame
        The raw scan data from the .rw.dat file for the up scan.
    down_header : pd.Series
        The header information from the .rw.dat file for the down scan.
    down_scan : pd.DataFrame
        The raw scan data from the .rw.dat file for the down scan.
    fit_scan : pd.DataFrame
        The fit scan data from the .rw.dat file.

    up : RawDcScan
        The information about and data from the up scan.
    down : RawDcScan
        The information about and data from the down scan.
    fit_scan : FitDcScan
        The fit scan data determined by fitting the up and down scans.

    Information on the structure of a .rw.dat file can be found in the Quantum Design
    app note[1].

    The fit scan is determined by fitting the up and down scans to the following

    V(z) = S + A \left\{ 2 \left[ R^2 + (z - C)^2 \right]^{-\frac{3}{2}} -
    [R^2 + (L + z - C)^2]^{-\frac{3}{2}} - [R^2 + (-L + z - C)^2]^{-\frac{3}{2}}

    where S is the offset voltage, A is the amplitude, R is the radius of the
    gradiometer, L is half the length of the gradiometer, and C is the sample center

    [MPMS3 Application Note 1500-022: MPMS3 .rw.dat file format](

    [MPMS3 Application Note 1500-023: Background subtraction using the MPMS3](

    def __init__(
        up_header: pd.Series,
        up_scan: pd.DataFrame,
        down_header: pd.Series,
        down_scan: pd.DataFrame,
        fit_scan: pd.DataFrame,
    ) -> None:
        self.up = RawDcScan("up", up_header, up_scan)
        self.down = RawDcScan("down", down_header, down_scan)
        self.fit_scan = FitDcScan(fit_scan)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"DcMeasurement({self.up.avg_field:.2f} Oe, {self.up.avg_temp:.2f} K)"

    def __str__(self):
        return f"DcMeasurement({self.up.avg_field:.2f} Oe, {self.up.avg_temp:.2f} K)"


A class for storing the header information from a single raw scan.


Name Type Description Default
direction Literal['up', 'down']

The direction of the scan.

header pd.Series

The header information from the .dat file. The information is initially stored in the "Comment" column in a single row preceding the scan data.



Name Type Description
text str

The original text from the "Comment" column.

direction Literal['up', 'down']

The direction of the scan.

low_temp float

The lowest temperature recorded during the combined DC scan.

high_temp float

The highest temperature recorded during the combined DC scan.

avg_temp float

The average temperature recorded during the combined DC scan.

low_field float

The lowest magnetic field (in Oe) recorded during the combined DC scan.

high_field float

The highest magnetic field (in Oe) recorded during the combined DC scan.

drift float

The amount of drift (in V/S) between the DOWN->UP and UP->DOWN scans.

slope float

The linear slope (in V/mm) between the DOWN->UP and UP->DOWN scans.

squid_range float

The SQUID range [1, 10, 100, or 1000] used during the combined DC scan.

given_center float

The center position (in mm) as set during the sample installation wizard.

calculated_center float

The calculated center position (in mm) from the Free C Fitted data.

amp_fixed float

The amplitude (in V) of the Fixed C Fitted data.

amp_free float

The amplitude (in V) of the Free C Fitted data.

data pd.DataFrame

The raw scan data. Columns are: "Time Stamp (sec)", "Raw Position (mm)", "Raw Voltage (V)", "Processed Voltage (V)". The Raw Voltage data from both up and down scans are corrected for drift and shifted to center the waveform around V=0, and the results of those corrections are stored in the "Processed Voltage (V)" column.

start_time float

The time stamp (in seconds) of the first data point in the scan.

Source code in magnetopy\
class RawDcScan:
    """A class for storing the header information from a single raw scan.

    direction : Literal["up", "down"]
        The direction of the scan.
    header : pd.Series
        The header information from the .dat file. The information is initially stored
        in the "Comment" column in a single row preceding the scan data.

    text : str
        The original text from the "Comment" column.
    direction : Literal["up", "down"]
        The direction of the scan.
    low_temp : float
        The lowest temperature recorded during the combined DC scan.
    high_temp : float
        The highest temperature recorded during the combined DC scan.
    avg_temp : float
        The average temperature recorded during the combined DC scan.
    low_field : float
        The lowest magnetic field (in Oe) recorded during the combined DC scan.
    high_field : float
        The highest magnetic field (in Oe) recorded during the combined DC scan.
    drift : float
        The amount of drift (in V/S) between the DOWN->UP and UP->DOWN scans.
    slope : float
        The linear slope (in V/mm) between the DOWN->UP and UP->DOWN scans.
    squid_range : float
        The SQUID range [1, 10, 100, or 1000] used during the combined DC scan.
    given_center : float
        The center position (in mm) as set during the sample installation wizard.
    calculated_center : float
        The calculated center position (in mm) from the Free C Fitted data.
    amp_fixed : float
        The amplitude (in V) of the Fixed C Fitted data.
    amp_free : float
        The amplitude (in V) of the Free C Fitted data.
    data : pd.DataFrame
        The raw scan data. Columns are: "Time Stamp (sec)", "Raw Position (mm)",
        "Raw Voltage (V)", "Processed Voltage (V)". The Raw Voltage data from both
        up and down scans are corrected for drift and shifted to center the waveform
        around V=0, and the results of those corrections are stored in the
        "Processed Voltage (V)" column.
    start_time : float
        The time stamp (in seconds) of the first data point in the scan.

    def __init__(
        self, direction: Literal["up", "down"], header: pd.Series, scan: pd.DataFrame
    ) -> None:
        self.text: str = header["Comment"]
        self.direction = direction
        self.low_temp = self._get_value(r"low temp = (\d+\.\d+) K")
        self.high_temp = self._get_value(r"high temp = (\d+\.\d+) K")
        self.avg_temp = self._get_value(r"avg. temp = (\d+\.\d+) K")
        self.low_field = self._get_value(r"low field = (-?\d+\.\d+) Oe")
        self.high_field = self._get_value(r"high field = (-?\d+\.\d+) Oe")
        self.drift = self._get_value(r"drift = (-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?) V/s")
        self.slope = self._get_value(r"slope = (-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?) V/mm")
        self.squid_range = self._get_value(r"squid range = (\d+)")
        self.given_center = self._get_value(r"given center = (\d+\.\d+) mm")
        self.calculated_center = self._get_value(r"calculated center = (\d+\.\d+) mm")
        self.amp_fixed = self._get_value(r"amp fixed = (-?\d+\.\d+) V")
        self.amp_free = self._get_value(r"amp free =(-?\d+\.\d+) V") = scan.copy()
            columns=["Comment", "Fixed C Fitted (V)", "Free C Fitted (V)"], inplace=True
        ), inplace=True)
        self.start_time =["Time Stamp (sec)"].iloc[0]

    def _get_value(self, regex: str) -> float:
        return float(, self.text).group(1))

    def avg_field(self):
        return (self.low_field + self.high_field) / 2

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"RawDcScan({self.direction}, {self.avg_field:.2f} Oe, {self.avg_temp:.2f} K)"

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self.direction} scan at {self.avg_field:.2f} Oe, {self.avg_temp:2f} K"


The FitDcScan class stores the simulated voltage data from fits to the directional scans; one for the case in which the center position is allowed to float (Free C Fitted) and one for the case in which the center position is fixed (Fixed C Fitted) based on the initial centering of the sample.


Name Type Description Default
scan pd.DataFrame

The fit scan data from the .rw.dat file.



Name Type Description
data pd.DataFrame

The fit scan data from the .rw.dat file. Columns are: "Time Stamp (sec)", "Raw Position (mm)", "Fixed C Fitted (V)", "Free C Fitted (V)".

start_time float

The time stamp (in seconds) of the first data point in the scan.

Source code in magnetopy\
class FitDcScan:
    """The FitDcScan class stores the simulated voltage data from fits to the
    directional scans; one for the case in which the center position is allowed to
    float (Free C Fitted) and one for the case in which the center position is fixed
    (Fixed C Fitted) based on the initial centering of the sample.

    scan : pd.DataFrame
        The fit scan data from the .rw.dat file.

    data : pd.DataFrame
        The fit scan data from the .rw.dat file. Columns are: "Time Stamp (sec)",
        "Raw Position (mm)", "Fixed C Fitted (V)", "Free C Fitted (V)".
    start_time : float
        The time stamp (in seconds) of the first data point in the scan.


    def __init__(self, scan: pd.DataFrame) -> None: = scan.copy()
            columns=["Comment", "Raw Voltage (V)", "Processed Voltage (V)"],
        ), inplace=True)
        self.start_time =["Time Stamp (sec)"].iloc[0]

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"FitDcScan({self.start_time} sec)"

    def __str__(self):
        return f"FitDcScan({self.start_time} sec)"

plot_raw(data, data_slice=None, scan='up', center='free', colors=('purple', 'orange'), label=True, title='')

Plot the raw voltage data found in the "raw_scan" column of a DataFrame, where each row contains a DcMeasurement object.


Name Type Description Default
data pd.DataFrame

The DataFrame containing the raw data.

data_slice tuple[int, int] | None

The slice of data to plot (start, stop). None by default. If None, all data will be plotted.

scan Literal['up', 'up_raw', 'down', 'down_raw', 'fit']

Which data to plot. "up" and "down" will plot the processed directional scans (which have been adjusted for drift and shifted to center the waveform around 0, but have not been fit), "up_raw" and "down_raw" will plot the raw voltages as the come straight off the SQUID, and "fit" will plot the fit data (which is the result of fitting the up and down scans). "up" by default.

center Literal['free', 'fixed']

Only used if scan is "fit"; determines whether to plot the "Free C Fitted" or "Fixed C Fitted" data. "free" by default.

colors tuple[str, str]

The (start, end) colors for the color gradient. "purple" and "orange" by default.

('purple', 'orange')
label bool

Default True. Whether to put labels on the plot for the initial and final scans.

title str

The title of the plot. "" by default.



Type Description
tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]

The figure and axes objects created by plot_raw.

Source code in magnetopy\
def plot_raw(
    data: pd.DataFrame,
    data_slice: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    scan: Literal[
    ] = "up",
    center: Literal[
    ] = "free",
    colors: tuple[str, str] = ("purple", "orange"),
    label: bool = True,
    title: str = "",
) -> tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]:
    """Plot the raw voltage data found in the "raw_scan" column of a `DataFrame`, where
    each row contains a `DcMeasurement` object.

    data : pd.DataFrame
        The `DataFrame` containing the raw data.
    data_slice : tuple[int, int] | None, optional
        The slice of data to plot (start, stop). `None` by default. If `None`, all
        data will be plotted.
    scan : Literal["up", "up_raw", "down", "down_raw", "fit"], optional
        Which data to plot. `"up"` and `"down"` will plot the processed directional
        scans (which have been adjusted for drift and shifted to center the waveform
        around 0, but have not been fit), `"up_raw"` and `"down_raw"` will plot the raw
        voltages as the come straight off the SQUID, and `"fit"` will plot the
        fit data (which is the result of fitting the up and down scans). `"up"` by
    center : Literal["free", "fixed"], optional
        Only used if `scan` is `"fit"`; determines whether to plot the "Free C
        Fitted" or "Fixed C Fitted" data. `"free"` by default.
    colors : tuple[str, str], optional
        The (start, end) colors for the color gradient. `"purple"` and `"orange"` by
    label : bool, optional
        Default `True`. Whether to put labels on the plot for the initial and final
    title : str, optional
        The title of the plot. `""` by default.

    tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]
        The figure and axes objects created by `plot_raw`.
    data = _prepare_data_for_plot(data, data_slice)
    start_label, end_label = _get_voltage_scan_labels(data)

    scan_objs: list[DcMeasurement] = data["raw_scan"]
    scans_w_squid_range = _get_selected_scans(scan, scan_objs)

    if colors is None:
        colors = ("purple", "orange")
    colors = linear_color_gradient(colors[0], colors[1], len(scans_w_squid_range))

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    for i, ((scan_df, squid_range), color) in enumerate(
        zip(scans_w_squid_range, colors)
        row_label = None
        if label and i == 0:
            row_label = start_label
        elif label and i == len(scans_w_squid_range) - 1:
            row_label = end_label

        x = scan_df["Raw Position (mm)"]
        if scan in ["up", "down"]:
            y = scan_df["Processed Voltage (V)"] * squid_range
        elif scan in ["up_raw", "down_raw"]:
            y = scan_df["Raw Voltage (V)"] * squid_range
            if center == "free":
                y = scan_df["Free C Fitted (V)"] * squid_range
                y = scan_df["Fixed C Fitted (V)"] * squid_range
        if row_label:
            ax.plot(x, y, color=color, label=row_label)
            ax.plot(x, y, color=color)

    ax.set_xlabel("Position (mm)")
    ax.set_ylabel("Scaled Voltage (V)")
    if label:
    if title:
    return fig, ax

plot_raw_residual(data, data_slice=None, scan='up', center='free', colors=None, label=True, title='')

Plot the residual between the raw and fit voltage data found in the "raw_scan" column of a DataFrame, where each row contains a DcMeasurement object.


Name Type Description Default
data pd.DataFrame

The DataFrame containing the raw data.

data_slice tuple[int, int] | None

The slice of data to plot (start, stop). None by default. If None, all data will be plotted.

scan Literal['up', 'down']

Which data to use in the residual calculation. "up" and "down" will use the processed directional scans (which have been adjusted for drift and shifted to center the waveform around 0, but have not been fit). "up" by default.

center Literal['free', 'fixed']

Determines whether to use the "Free C Fitted" or "Fixed C Fitted" data for the fit data. "free" by default.

colors tuple[str, str]

The (start, end) colors for the color gradient. "purple" and "orange" by default.

label bool

Default True. Whether to put labels on the plot for the initial and final scans.

title str

The title of the plot. "" by default.



Type Description
tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]

The figure and axes objects created by plot_raw.

Source code in magnetopy\
def plot_raw_residual(
    data: pd.DataFrame,
    data_slice: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
    scan: Literal["up", "down"] = "up",
    center: Literal["free", "fixed"] = "free",
    colors: tuple[str, str] | None = None,
    label: bool = True,
    title: str = "",
) -> tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]:
    """Plot the residual between the raw and fit voltage data found in the
    "raw_scan" column of a `DataFrame`, where each row contains a `DcMeasurement`

    data : pd.DataFrame
        The `DataFrame` containing the raw data.
    data_slice : tuple[int, int] | None, optional
        The slice of data to plot (start, stop). `None` by default. If `None`, all
        data will be plotted.
    scan : Literal["up", "down"], optional
        Which data to use in the residual calculation. `"up"` and `"down"` will use the
        processed directional scans (which have been adjusted for drift and shifted to
        center the waveform around 0, but have not been fit). `"up"` by default.
    center : Literal["free", "fixed"], optional
        Determines whether to use the "Free C Fitted" or "Fixed C Fitted" data for the
        fit data. `"free"` by default.
    colors : tuple[str, str], optional
        The (start, end) colors for the color gradient. `"purple"` and `"orange"` by
    label : bool, optional
        Default `True`. Whether to put labels on the plot for the initial and final
    title : str, optional
        The title of the plot. `""` by default.

    tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]
        The figure and axes objects created by `plot_raw`.
    data = _prepare_data_for_plot(data, data_slice)
    start_label, end_label = _get_voltage_scan_labels(data)

    scan_objs: list[DcMeasurement] = data["raw_scan"]
    scans_w_squid_range = _get_selected_scans(scan, scan_objs)
    fit_scans = [ for scan_obj in scan_objs]

    if colors is None:
        colors = ("purple", "orange")
    colors = linear_color_gradient(colors[0], colors[1], len(scans_w_squid_range))

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    for i, ((scan_df, squid_range), fit_df, color) in enumerate(
        zip(scans_w_squid_range, fit_scans, colors)
        row_label = None
        if label and i == 0:
            row_label = start_label
        elif label and i == len(scans_w_squid_range) - 1:
            row_label = end_label

        x = scan_df["Raw Position (mm)"]
        if center == "free":
            y_fit = fit_df["Free C Fitted (V)"] * squid_range
            y_fit = fit_df["Fixed C Fitted (V)"] * squid_range
        y_raw = scan_df["Processed Voltage (V)"] * squid_range
        y = y_raw - y_fit

        if row_label:
            ax.plot(x, y, color=color, label=row_label)
            ax.plot(x, y, color=color)

    ax.set_xlabel("Position (mm)")
    ax.set_ylabel("Scaled Voltage (V)")
    if label:
    if title:
    return fig, ax