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MagnetoPy Independent

For data which does not conform to MagnetoPy classes, you can still use the functions (fit_cauchy_cdf() and fit_cauchy_pdf()). Ultimately, all that is required to use these functions is passing your data as x and y variables, along with any starting guesses for the fit parameters.

An example notebook demonstrates how to work with the classes and functions described herein: Quantification of Hysteresis Data using Cauchy Distribution Functions

fit_cauchy_cdf(x, y, fitting_args)

Fits given x and y data (e.g., magnetic field and magnetization) to a sum of Cauchy cumulative distribution functions (CDFs).


Name Type Description Default
x npt.ArrayLike

The x data, e.g., magnetic field.

y npt.ArrayLike

The y data, e.g., the magnetization.

fitting_args CauchyFittingArgs | int

The arguments needed to perform the fit. If an int is given, the number of terms to be used in the fit. If a CauchyFittingArgs object is given, the parameters to be used in the fit.



Type Description

The results of the fit.

Source code in magnetopy\analyses\cauchy\
def fit_cauchy_cdf(
    x: npt.ArrayLike, y: npt.ArrayLike, fitting_args: CauchyFittingArgs | int
) -> CauchyAnalysisResults:
    """Fits given x and y data (e.g., magnetic field and magnetization) to a sum of
    Cauchy cumulative distribution functions (CDFs).

    x : npt.ArrayLike
        The x data, e.g., magnetic field.
    y : npt.ArrayLike
        The y data, e.g., the magnetization.
    fitting_args : CauchyFittingArgs | int
        The arguments needed to perform the fit. If an `int` is given, the number of
        terms to be used in the fit. If a `CauchyFittingArgs` object is given, the
        parameters to be used in the fit.

        The results of the fit.
    x_range = (np.min(x), np.max(x))
    y_sat = np.max(y)
    if isinstance(fitting_args, int):
        fitting_args = CauchyFittingArgs.build_from_num_terms(
            fitting_args, x_range, y_sat
    params = fitting_args.build_params(x_range, y_sat)

    def residual(params: Parameters, h: float, data: float) -> float:
        return cauchy_cdf(h, params) - data

    lmfit_results: minimizer.MinimizerResult = minimize(
        args=(x, y),

    results = _build_results(lmfit_results, len(params) // 3)

    return results

cauchy_cdf(h, params)

Generates data representing a sum of Cauchy cumulative distribution functions (CDFs).


M(H,Ms,Hc,γ)=χpdH+1n2Ms,nπarctan(HHc,nγn) M(H, M_s, H_c, \gamma) = \chi_{pd}H + \sum_1^n \frac{2M_{s,n}}{\pi} \arctan\left(\frac{H-H_{c,n}}{\gamma_n}\right)


Name Type Description Default
h FitVal

A FitVal (either a float or a numpy array) representing the x data (e.g., magnetic field).

params Parameters

Params must contain the following parameters as a valid lmfit.Parameters object: - m_s_0, h_c_0, gamma_0 - m_s_1, h_c_1, gamma_1 - ... - chi_pd



Type Description

The float or numpy array representing the y data (e.g., the magnetization with respect to field).

Source code in magnetopy\analyses\cauchy\
def cauchy_cdf(h: FitVal, params: Parameters) -> FitVal:
    """Generates data representing a sum of Cauchy cumulative distribution functions


    M(H, M_s, H_c, \\gamma) = \\chi_{pd}H + \\sum_1^n \\frac{2M_{s,n}}{\\pi}

    h : FitVal
        A FitVal (either a float or a numpy array) representing the x data (e.g.,
        magnetic field).
    params : Parameters
        Params must contain the following parameters as a valid `lmfit.Parameters`
            - `m_s_0`, `h_c_0`, `gamma_0`
            - `m_s_1`, `h_c_1`, `gamma_1`
            - ...
            - `chi_pd`

        The float or numpy array representing the y data (e.g., the magnetization with
        respect to field).
        m = h * params["chi_pd"]
    except KeyError:
        m = 0
    for i in range(0, len(params) - 1, 3):
        j = i // 3
        m += (2 * params[f"m_s_{j}"] / np.pi) * np.arctan(
            (h - params[f"h_c_{j}"]) / params[f"gamma_{j}"]
    return m

fit_cauchy_pdf(x, y, fitting_args)

Fits given x and y data (e.g., magnetic field and the derivative of magnetization with respect to field) to a sum of Cauchy probability density functions (PDFs).


Name Type Description Default
x npt.ArrayLike

The x data, e.g., magnetic field.

y npt.ArrayLike

The y data, e.g., the derivative of magnetization with respect to field.

fitting_args CauchyFittingArgs | int

The arguments needed to perform the fit. If an int is given, the number of terms to be used in the fit. If a CauchyFittingArgs object is given, the parameters to be used in the fit.



Type Description

The results of the fit.

Source code in magnetopy\analyses\cauchy\
def fit_cauchy_pdf(
    x: npt.ArrayLike, y: npt.ArrayLike, fitting_args: CauchyFittingArgs | int
) -> CauchyAnalysisResults:
    """Fits given x and y data (e.g., magnetic field and the derivative of
    magnetization with respect to field) to a sum of Cauchy probability density
    functions (PDFs).

    x : npt.ArrayLike
        The x data, e.g., magnetic field.
    y : npt.ArrayLike
        The y data, e.g., the derivative of magnetization with respect to field.
    fitting_args : CauchyFittingArgs | int
        The arguments needed to perform the fit. If an `int` is given, the number of
        terms to be used in the fit. If a `CauchyFittingArgs` object is given, the
        parameters to be used in the fit.

        The results of the fit.
    x_range = (np.min(x), np.max(x))
    integral_y: npt.NDArray = np.cumsum(y * np.gradient(x))
    y_sat = (integral_y.max() - integral_y.min()) / 2
    if isinstance(fitting_args, int):
        fitting_args = CauchyFittingArgs.build_from_num_terms(
            fitting_args, x_range, y_sat
    params = fitting_args.build_params(x_range, y_sat)

    def residual(params: Parameters, h: float, dmdh_data: float) -> float:
        return cauchy_pdf(h, params) - dmdh_data

    lmfit_results: minimizer.MinimizerResult = minimize(
        args=(x, y),

    results = _build_results(lmfit_results, len(params) // 3)

    return results

cauchy_pdf(h, params)

Generates data representing a sum of Cauchy probability density functions (PDFs).


dMdH(H,Ms,Hc,γ)=χpd+ 1n8Ms,nπγn16(HHc,n)2+ γn2 \frac{dM}{dH}(H, M_s, H_c, \gamma) = \chi_{pd} + \ \sum_1^n \frac{8M_{s,n}}{\pi} \frac{\gamma_n}{16 (H-H_{c,n})^2 + \ \gamma_n^2 }


Name Type Description Default
h FitVal

A FitVal (either a float or a numpy array) representing the x data (e.g., magnetic field).

params Parameters

Params must contain the following parameters as a valid lmfit.Parameters object: - m_s_0, h_c_0, gamma_0 - m_s_1, h_c_1, gamma_1 - ... - chi_pd



Type Description

The float or numpy array representing the y data (e.g., the derivative of magnetization with respect to field).

Source code in magnetopy\analyses\cauchy\
def cauchy_pdf(h: FitVal, params: Parameters) -> FitVal:
    """Generates data representing a sum of Cauchy probability density functions


    \\frac{dM}{dH}(H, M_s, H_c, \\gamma) = \\chi_{pd} + \\
    \\sum_1^n \\frac{8M_{s,n}}{\\pi} \\frac{\\gamma_n}{16 (H-H_{c,n})^2 + \\
    \\gamma_n^2 }

    h : FitVal
        A FitVal (either a float or a numpy array) representing the x data (e.g.,
        magnetic field).
    params : Parameters
        Params must contain the following parameters as a valid `lmfit.Parameters`
            - `m_s_0`, `h_c_0`, `gamma_0`
            - `m_s_1`, `h_c_1`, `gamma_1`
            - ...
            - `chi_pd`

        The float or numpy array representing the y data (e.g., the derivative of
        magnetization with respect to field).
        m = params["chi_pd"]
    except KeyError:
        m = 0
    for i in range(0, len(params) - 1, 3):
        j = i // 3
        m += (8 * params[f"m_s_{j}"] * params[f"gamma_{j}"]) / (
            np.pi * (16 * (h - params[f"h_c_{j}"]) ** 2 + params[f"gamma_{j}"] ** 2)
    return m

CauchyParams dataclass

Parameters for a single Cauchy term. All three terms can be floats, two-tuples, or three-tuples. If they are floats, they are used as the initial value for the fit. If they are two-tuples, the values represent the lower and upper bounds for the fit. If they are three-tuples, the values represent the initial value, lower bound, and upper bound for the fit.

All terms are optional. If a term is not provided, it is assumed to be zero.

Any float values passed are cast to tuples.


Name Type Description
m_s float | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float]

The saturation magnetization of the term. If a float, the value is used as the initial value for the fit. If a two-tuple, the values represent the lower and upper bounds for the fit. If a three-tuple, the values represent the initial value, lower bound, and upper bound for the fit.

h_c float | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float]

The coercive field of the term. If a float, the value is used as the initial value for the fit. If a two-tuple, the values represent the lower and upper bounds for the fit. If a three-tuple, the values represent the initial value, lower bound, and upper bound for the fit.

gamma float | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float]

The term describing the broadness of the term. If a float, the value is used as the initial value for the fit. If a two-tuple, the values represent the lower and upper bounds for the fit. If a three-tuple, the values represent the initial value, lower bound, and upper bound for the fit.

Source code in magnetopy\analyses\cauchy\
class CauchyParams:
    """Parameters for a single Cauchy term. All three terms can be floats, two-tuples,
    or three-tuples. If they are floats, they are used as the initial value for the
    fit. If they are two-tuples, the values represent the lower and upper bounds for
    the fit. If they are three-tuples, the values represent the initial value, lower
    bound, and upper bound for the fit.

    All terms are optional. If a term is not provided, it is assumed to be zero.

    Any `float` values passed are cast to tuples.

    m_s : float | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float]
        The saturation magnetization of the term. If a float, the value is used as the
        initial value for the fit. If a two-tuple, the values represent the lower and
        upper bounds for the fit. If a three-tuple, the values represent the initial
        value, lower bound, and upper bound for the fit.
    h_c : float | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float]
        The coercive field of the term. If a float, the value is used as the initial
        value for the fit. If a two-tuple, the values represent the lower and upper
        bounds for the fit. If a three-tuple, the values represent the initial value,
        lower bound, and upper bound for the fit.
    gamma: float | tuple[float, float] | tuple[float, float, float]
        The term describing the broadness of the term. If a float, the value is used as
        the initial value for the fit. If a two-tuple, the values represent the lower
        and upper bounds for the fit. If a three-tuple, the values represent the initial
        value, lower bound, and upper bound for the fit.

    m_s: float | tuple[float, float] | tuple[
        float, float, float
    ] = 0.0  # either an inital value or (initial_value, min, max)
    h_c: float | tuple[float, float] | tuple[
        float, float, float
    ] = 0.0  # either an inital value or (initial_value, min, max)
    gamma: float | tuple[float, float] | tuple[
        float, float, float
    ] = 0.0  # either an inital value or (initial_value, min, max)

    def __post_init__(self):
        if isinstance(self.m_s, float | int):
            self.m_s = tuple([self.m_s])
        if isinstance(self.h_c, float | int):
            self.h_c = tuple([self.h_c])
        if isinstance(self.gamma, float | int):
            self.gamma = tuple([self.gamma])

    def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Returns a dictionary representation of the object.

        dict[str, Any]
            Keys are: "_class_", "m_s", "h_c", "gamma".
        output = {"_class_": self.__class__.__name__}
        return output


Returns a dictionary representation of the object.


Type Description
dict[str, Any]

Keys are: "class", "m_s", "h_c", "gamma".

Source code in magnetopy\analyses\cauchy\
def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Returns a dictionary representation of the object.

    dict[str, Any]
        Keys are: "_class_", "m_s", "h_c", "gamma".
    output = {"_class_": self.__class__.__name__}
    return output

CauchyFittingArgs dataclass



Name Type Description
terms list[CauchyParams] | CauchyParams

The parameters for each individual Cauchy term to be used in the fit. A single term will be converted to a list of length one.

Source code in magnetopy\analyses\cauchy\
class CauchyFittingArgs:

    terms : list[CauchyParams] | CauchyParams
        The parameters for each individual Cauchy term to be used in the fit. A single
        term will be converted to a list of length one.

    terms: list[CauchyParams]

    def __post_init__(self):
        self.terms = (
            [self.terms] if isinstance(self.terms, CauchyParams) else self.terms

    def build_params(self, x_range: tuple[float, float], y_sat: float) -> Parameters:
        """Uses the `CauchyParams` given during object creation to build a `Parameters`
        object compatible with `lmfit`.

        x_range : tuple[float, float]
            The minimum and maximum values of the x-axis.
        y_sat : float
            In terms of magnetization, this is the saturation magnetization of the
            original M vs. H data. If the data under consideration is the derivative of
            magnetization with respect to field or is otherwise data in a form similar
            to that of the Cauchy PDF, y_sat will be half of the integral of the data
            over the x_range.

            A `Parameters` object compatible with `lmfit`. There will be three parameters
            (`m_s`, `h_c`, and `gamma`) for each term in `self.terms` and one parameter
            (`chi_pd`) to account for a phenomena whose contribution to the magnetization
            is linear with respect to field (i.e., paramagnetism and diamagnetism).
        params = Parameters()
        for i, term in enumerate(self.terms):
            if len(term.m_s) == 1:
                term.m_s = (term.m_s[0], 0, y_sat / len(self.terms))
            elif len(term.m_s) == 2:
                term.m_s = (
                    (term.m_s[0] + term.m_s[1]) / 2,

            if len(term.h_c) == 1:
                term.h_c = (term.h_c[0], x_range[0], x_range[1])
            elif len(term.h_c) == 2:
                term.h_c = (
                    (term.h_c[0] + term.h_c[1]) / 2,

            if len(term.gamma) == 1:
                term.gamma = (term.gamma[0], 0, x_range[1] - x_range[0])
            elif len(term.gamma) == 2:
                term.gamma = (
                    (term.gamma[0] + term.gamma[1]) / 2,
        params.add("chi_pd", value=0)
        return params

    def generate_data(
        self, x: npt.ArrayLike, form: Literal["pdf", "cdf"]
    ) -> npt.ArrayLike:
        """Generates simulated data representing a sum of Cauchy PDFs using the
        individual terms given during object creation.

        x : npt.ArrayLike
            The x data, e.g., magnetic field.
        form : {"pdf", "cdf"}
            The form of the Cauchy distribution to generate.

            The y data, e.g., the derivative of magnetization with respect to field.
        params = Parameters()
        for i, term in enumerate(self.terms):
            params.add(name=f"m_s_{i}", value=term.m_s[0])
            params.add(name=f"h_c_{i}", value=term.h_c[0])
            params.add(name=f"gamma_{i}", value=term.gamma[0])
        params.add(name="chi_pd", value=0)
        if form.lower() == "cdf":
            simulated_data = cauchy_cdf(x, params)
        elif form.lower() == "pdf":
            simulated_data = cauchy_pdf(x, params)
            raise ValueError(f"`form` argument must be 'pdf' or 'cdf', not {form}")
        return simulated_data

    def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Returns a dictionary representation of the object.

        dict[str, Any]
            Keys are: "_class_", "terms".
        output = {"_class_": self.__class__.__name__}
        output["terms"] = [term.as_dict() for term in self.terms]
        return output

    def build_from_num_terms(
        cls, num_terms: int, x_range: tuple[float, float], y_sat: float
    ) -> CauchyFittingArgs:
        """Generates input parameters for a Cauchy fit based on the number of terms

        num_terms : int
            The number of Cauchy terms to be used in the fit.
        x_range : tuple[float, float]
            The minimum and maximum values of the x-axis.
        y_sat : float
            In terms of magnetization, this is the saturation magnetization of the
            original M vs. H data. If the data under consideration is the derivative of
            magnetization with respect to field or is otherwise data in a form similar
            to that of the Cauchy PDF, y_sat will be half of the integral of the data
            over the x_range.

            The input parameters for a Cauchy fit.
        terms = []
        y_sat_padded = 1.5 * y_sat
        for _ in range(num_terms):
                    m_s=(y_sat / num_terms, 0, y_sat_padded),
                    h_c=((x_range[0] + x_range[1]) / 2, x_range[0], x_range[1]),
                    gamma=((x_range[1] - x_range[0]) / 10, 0, x_range[1] - x_range[0]),
        return cls(terms)

build_params(x_range, y_sat)

Uses the CauchyParams given during object creation to build a Parameters object compatible with lmfit.


Name Type Description Default
x_range tuple[float, float]

The minimum and maximum values of the x-axis.

y_sat float

In terms of magnetization, this is the saturation magnetization of the original M vs. H data. If the data under consideration is the derivative of magnetization with respect to field or is otherwise data in a form similar to that of the Cauchy PDF, y_sat will be half of the integral of the data over the x_range.



Type Description

A Parameters object compatible with lmfit. There will be three parameters (m_s, h_c, and gamma) for each term in self.terms and one parameter (chi_pd) to account for a phenomena whose contribution to the magnetization is linear with respect to field (i.e., paramagnetism and diamagnetism).

Source code in magnetopy\analyses\cauchy\
def build_params(self, x_range: tuple[float, float], y_sat: float) -> Parameters:
    """Uses the `CauchyParams` given during object creation to build a `Parameters`
    object compatible with `lmfit`.

    x_range : tuple[float, float]
        The minimum and maximum values of the x-axis.
    y_sat : float
        In terms of magnetization, this is the saturation magnetization of the
        original M vs. H data. If the data under consideration is the derivative of
        magnetization with respect to field or is otherwise data in a form similar
        to that of the Cauchy PDF, y_sat will be half of the integral of the data
        over the x_range.

        A `Parameters` object compatible with `lmfit`. There will be three parameters
        (`m_s`, `h_c`, and `gamma`) for each term in `self.terms` and one parameter
        (`chi_pd`) to account for a phenomena whose contribution to the magnetization
        is linear with respect to field (i.e., paramagnetism and diamagnetism).
    params = Parameters()
    for i, term in enumerate(self.terms):
        if len(term.m_s) == 1:
            term.m_s = (term.m_s[0], 0, y_sat / len(self.terms))
        elif len(term.m_s) == 2:
            term.m_s = (
                (term.m_s[0] + term.m_s[1]) / 2,

        if len(term.h_c) == 1:
            term.h_c = (term.h_c[0], x_range[0], x_range[1])
        elif len(term.h_c) == 2:
            term.h_c = (
                (term.h_c[0] + term.h_c[1]) / 2,

        if len(term.gamma) == 1:
            term.gamma = (term.gamma[0], 0, x_range[1] - x_range[0])
        elif len(term.gamma) == 2:
            term.gamma = (
                (term.gamma[0] + term.gamma[1]) / 2,
    params.add("chi_pd", value=0)
    return params

generate_data(x, form)

Generates simulated data representing a sum of Cauchy PDFs using the individual terms given during object creation.


Name Type Description Default
x npt.ArrayLike

The x data, e.g., magnetic field.

form Literal['pdf', 'cdf']

The form of the Cauchy distribution to generate.



Type Description

The y data, e.g., the derivative of magnetization with respect to field.

Source code in magnetopy\analyses\cauchy\
def generate_data(
    self, x: npt.ArrayLike, form: Literal["pdf", "cdf"]
) -> npt.ArrayLike:
    """Generates simulated data representing a sum of Cauchy PDFs using the
    individual terms given during object creation.

    x : npt.ArrayLike
        The x data, e.g., magnetic field.
    form : {"pdf", "cdf"}
        The form of the Cauchy distribution to generate.

        The y data, e.g., the derivative of magnetization with respect to field.
    params = Parameters()
    for i, term in enumerate(self.terms):
        params.add(name=f"m_s_{i}", value=term.m_s[0])
        params.add(name=f"h_c_{i}", value=term.h_c[0])
        params.add(name=f"gamma_{i}", value=term.gamma[0])
    params.add(name="chi_pd", value=0)
    if form.lower() == "cdf":
        simulated_data = cauchy_cdf(x, params)
    elif form.lower() == "pdf":
        simulated_data = cauchy_pdf(x, params)
        raise ValueError(f"`form` argument must be 'pdf' or 'cdf', not {form}")
    return simulated_data


Returns a dictionary representation of the object.


Type Description
dict[str, Any]

Keys are: "class", "terms".

Source code in magnetopy\analyses\cauchy\
def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Returns a dictionary representation of the object.

    dict[str, Any]
        Keys are: "_class_", "terms".
    output = {"_class_": self.__class__.__name__}
    output["terms"] = [term.as_dict() for term in self.terms]
    return output

build_from_num_terms(num_terms, x_range, y_sat) classmethod

Generates input parameters for a Cauchy fit based on the number of terms desired.


Name Type Description Default
num_terms int

The number of Cauchy terms to be used in the fit.

x_range tuple[float, float]

The minimum and maximum values of the x-axis.

y_sat float

In terms of magnetization, this is the saturation magnetization of the original M vs. H data. If the data under consideration is the derivative of magnetization with respect to field or is otherwise data in a form similar to that of the Cauchy PDF, y_sat will be half of the integral of the data over the x_range.



Type Description

The input parameters for a Cauchy fit.

Source code in magnetopy\analyses\cauchy\
def build_from_num_terms(
    cls, num_terms: int, x_range: tuple[float, float], y_sat: float
) -> CauchyFittingArgs:
    """Generates input parameters for a Cauchy fit based on the number of terms

    num_terms : int
        The number of Cauchy terms to be used in the fit.
    x_range : tuple[float, float]
        The minimum and maximum values of the x-axis.
    y_sat : float
        In terms of magnetization, this is the saturation magnetization of the
        original M vs. H data. If the data under consideration is the derivative of
        magnetization with respect to field or is otherwise data in a form similar
        to that of the Cauchy PDF, y_sat will be half of the integral of the data
        over the x_range.

        The input parameters for a Cauchy fit.
    terms = []
    y_sat_padded = 1.5 * y_sat
    for _ in range(num_terms):
                m_s=(y_sat / num_terms, 0, y_sat_padded),
                h_c=((x_range[0] + x_range[1]) / 2, x_range[0], x_range[1]),
                gamma=((x_range[1] - x_range[0]) / 10, 0, x_range[1] - x_range[0]),
    return cls(terms)

CauchyAnalysisResults dataclass

The results of a fit to a Cauchy analysis (either CDF or PDF).


Name Type Description
terms list[CauchyTermResults]

The fit results for each individual Cauchy term; each term includes values for m_s, h_c, gamma, and their errors.

chi_pd float

The fit value for the term describing a phenomena whose contribution to the magnetization is linear with respect to field (i.e., paramagnetism and diamagnetism).

chi_pd_err float

The error of chi_pd.

chi_squared float

The chi-squared value of the fit.

reduced_chi_squared float

The reduced chi-squared value of the fit.

m_s_unit str

The units of the m_s.

h_c_unit str

The units of the h_c.

gamma_unit str

The units of gamma.

chi_pd_unit str

The units of chi_pd.

Source code in magnetopy\analyses\cauchy\
class CauchyAnalysisResults:
    """The results of a fit to a Cauchy analysis (either CDF or PDF).

    terms : list[CauchyTermResults]
        The fit results for each individual Cauchy term; each term includes values for
        `m_s`, `h_c`, `gamma`, and their errors.
    chi_pd : float
        The fit value for the term describing a phenomena whose contribution to the
        magnetization is linear with respect to field (i.e., paramagnetism and
    chi_pd_err : float
        The error of `chi_pd`.
    chi_squared : float
        The chi-squared value of the fit.
    reduced_chi_squared : float
        The reduced chi-squared value of the fit.
    m_s_unit : str
        The units of the `m_s`.
    h_c_unit : str
        The units of the `h_c`.
    gamma_unit : str
        The units of `gamma`.
    chi_pd_unit : str
        The units of `chi_pd`.

    terms: list[CauchyTermResults]
    chi_pd: float
    chi_pd_err: float
    chi_squared: float
    reduced_chi_squared: float
    m_s_unit: str = "unknown"
    h_c_unit: str = "unknown"
    gamma_unit: str = "unknown"
    chi_pd_unit: str = "unknown"

    def set_units(self, m_s: str, h_c: str, gamma: str, chi_pd: str) -> None:
        """Sets the units of the fit results.

        m_s : str
            The units of the `m_s`.
        h_c : str
            The units of the `h_c`.
        gamma : str
            The units of `gamma`.
        chi_pd : str
            The units of `chi_pd`.
        self.m_s_unit = m_s
        self.h_c_unit = h_c
        self.gamma_unit = gamma
        self.chi_pd_unit = chi_pd

    def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Returns a dictionary representation of the object.

        dict[str, Any]
            Keys are: "_class_", "terms", "chi_pd", "chi_pd_err", "chi_squared",
            "reduced_chi_squared", "m_s_unit", "h_c_unit", "gamma_unit", "chi_pd_unit".
        output = {"_class_": self.__class__.__name__}
        return output

    def generate_data(
        self, x: npt.ArrayLike, form: Literal["pdf", "cdf"]
    ) -> npt.ArrayLike:
        """Generates simulated data representing a sum of Cauchy PDFs or CDFs using the
        individual terms resulting from the fit.

        x : npt.ArrayLike
            The x data, e.g., magnetic field.
        form : {"pdf", "cdf"}
            The form of the Cauchy distribution to generate.

            The y data, e.g., the derivative of magnetization with respect to field.
        params = Parameters()
        for i, term in enumerate(self.terms):
            params.add(name=f"m_s_{i}", value=term.m_s)
            params.add(name=f"h_c_{i}", value=term.h_c)
            params.add(name=f"gamma_{i}", value=term.gamma)
        params.add(name="chi_pd", value=self.chi_pd)
        if form.lower() == "cdf":
            simulated_data = cauchy_cdf(x, params)
        elif form.lower() == "pdf":
            simulated_data = cauchy_pdf(x, params)
            raise ValueError(f"`form` argument must be 'pdf' or 'cdf', not {form}")
        return simulated_data

    def generate_data_by_term(
        self, x: npt.ArrayLike, form: Literal["pdf", "cdf"]
    ) -> list[npt.ArrayLike]:
        """Generates simulated data representing each individual term resulting from the

        x : npt.ArrayLike
            The x data, e.g., magnetic field.
        form : {"pdf", "cdf"}
            The form of the Cauchy distribution to generate.

            The y data, e.g., the derivative of magnetization with respect to field.
        simulated_data = []
        for term in self.terms:
            params = Parameters()
            params.add(name="m_s_0", value=term.m_s)
            params.add(name="h_c_0", value=term.h_c)
            params.add(name="gamma_0", value=term.gamma)
            if form.lower() == "cdf":
                simulated_data.append(cauchy_cdf(x, params))
            elif form.lower() == "pdf":
                simulated_data.append(cauchy_pdf(x, params))
                raise ValueError(f"`form` argument must be 'pdf' or 'cdf', not {form}")
        return simulated_data

set_units(m_s, h_c, gamma, chi_pd)

Sets the units of the fit results.


Name Type Description Default
m_s str

The units of the m_s.

h_c str

The units of the h_c.

gamma str

The units of gamma.

chi_pd str

The units of chi_pd.

Source code in magnetopy\analyses\cauchy\
def set_units(self, m_s: str, h_c: str, gamma: str, chi_pd: str) -> None:
    """Sets the units of the fit results.

    m_s : str
        The units of the `m_s`.
    h_c : str
        The units of the `h_c`.
    gamma : str
        The units of `gamma`.
    chi_pd : str
        The units of `chi_pd`.
    self.m_s_unit = m_s
    self.h_c_unit = h_c
    self.gamma_unit = gamma
    self.chi_pd_unit = chi_pd


Returns a dictionary representation of the object.


Type Description
dict[str, Any]

Keys are: "class", "terms", "chi_pd", "chi_pd_err", "chi_squared", "reduced_chi_squared", "m_s_unit", "h_c_unit", "gamma_unit", "chi_pd_unit".

Source code in magnetopy\analyses\cauchy\
def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Returns a dictionary representation of the object.

    dict[str, Any]
        Keys are: "_class_", "terms", "chi_pd", "chi_pd_err", "chi_squared",
        "reduced_chi_squared", "m_s_unit", "h_c_unit", "gamma_unit", "chi_pd_unit".
    output = {"_class_": self.__class__.__name__}
    return output

generate_data(x, form)

Generates simulated data representing a sum of Cauchy PDFs or CDFs using the individual terms resulting from the fit.


Name Type Description Default
x npt.ArrayLike

The x data, e.g., magnetic field.

form Literal['pdf', 'cdf']

The form of the Cauchy distribution to generate.



Type Description

The y data, e.g., the derivative of magnetization with respect to field.

Source code in magnetopy\analyses\cauchy\
def generate_data(
    self, x: npt.ArrayLike, form: Literal["pdf", "cdf"]
) -> npt.ArrayLike:
    """Generates simulated data representing a sum of Cauchy PDFs or CDFs using the
    individual terms resulting from the fit.

    x : npt.ArrayLike
        The x data, e.g., magnetic field.
    form : {"pdf", "cdf"}
        The form of the Cauchy distribution to generate.

        The y data, e.g., the derivative of magnetization with respect to field.
    params = Parameters()
    for i, term in enumerate(self.terms):
        params.add(name=f"m_s_{i}", value=term.m_s)
        params.add(name=f"h_c_{i}", value=term.h_c)
        params.add(name=f"gamma_{i}", value=term.gamma)
    params.add(name="chi_pd", value=self.chi_pd)
    if form.lower() == "cdf":
        simulated_data = cauchy_cdf(x, params)
    elif form.lower() == "pdf":
        simulated_data = cauchy_pdf(x, params)
        raise ValueError(f"`form` argument must be 'pdf' or 'cdf', not {form}")
    return simulated_data

generate_data_by_term(x, form)

Generates simulated data representing each individual term resulting from the fit.


Name Type Description Default
x npt.ArrayLike

The x data, e.g., magnetic field.

form Literal['pdf', 'cdf']

The form of the Cauchy distribution to generate.



Type Description

The y data, e.g., the derivative of magnetization with respect to field.

Source code in magnetopy\analyses\cauchy\
def generate_data_by_term(
    self, x: npt.ArrayLike, form: Literal["pdf", "cdf"]
) -> list[npt.ArrayLike]:
    """Generates simulated data representing each individual term resulting from the

    x : npt.ArrayLike
        The x data, e.g., magnetic field.
    form : {"pdf", "cdf"}
        The form of the Cauchy distribution to generate.

        The y data, e.g., the derivative of magnetization with respect to field.
    simulated_data = []
    for term in self.terms:
        params = Parameters()
        params.add(name="m_s_0", value=term.m_s)
        params.add(name="h_c_0", value=term.h_c)
        params.add(name="gamma_0", value=term.gamma)
        if form.lower() == "cdf":
            simulated_data.append(cauchy_cdf(x, params))
        elif form.lower() == "pdf":
            simulated_data.append(cauchy_pdf(x, params))
            raise ValueError(f"`form` argument must be 'pdf' or 'cdf', not {form}")
    return simulated_data

CauchyTermResults dataclass

The fit results for a single Cauchy term. Note that these terms assume that the data was either M vs. H or dM/dH vs. H.


Name Type Description
m_s float

The saturation magnetization of the term.

m_s_err float

The error in the saturation magnetization of the term.

h_c float

The coercive field of the term.

h_c_err float

The error in the coercive field of the term.

gamma float

The parameter describing the broadness of the term.

gamma_err float

The error in the parameter describing the broadness of the term.

Source code in magnetopy\analyses\cauchy\
class CauchyTermResults:
    """The fit results for a single Cauchy term. Note that these terms assume that the
    data was either M vs. H or dM/dH vs. H.

    m_s : float
        The saturation magnetization of the term.
    m_s_err : float
        The error in the saturation magnetization of the term.
    h_c : float
        The coercive field of the term.
    h_c_err : float
        The error in the coercive field of the term.
    gamma : float
        The parameter describing the broadness of the term.
    gamma_err : float
        The error in the parameter describing the broadness of the term.

    m_s: float
    m_s_err: float
    h_c: float
    h_c_err: float
    gamma: float
    gamma_err: float