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Analysis (Protocol)


Bases: Protocol

A protocol class representing an analysis of one or more magnetometry experiments.


Name Type Description
results Any

The results of the analysis. For results more complicated than a simple value, it is recommended that a dataclass be used, and that the dataclass have an as_dict method.


While not yet enforced, it is strongly recommended that any class that implements this protocol have an __init__ method which takes the following arguments:

  • dataset: a Magnetometry object
  • parsing_args: an object with attributes that specify how to parse the data; these arguments may be used as arguments to be passed to various Magnetometry methods. It is recommended that this object be a dataclass with an as_dict method.
  • fitting_args: an object with attributes that specify how to fit the data; these arguments may include, e.g., starting values, bounds, constraints, etc. It is recommended that this object be a dataclass with an as_dict method.

The __init__ method should perform the analysis and store the results in the results attribute.

Source code in magnetopy\
class Analysis(Protocol):
    """A protocol class representing an analysis of one or more magnetometry

    results : Any
        The results of the analysis. For results more complicated than a simple value,
        it is recommended that a `dataclass` be used, and that the `dataclass` have an
        `as_dict` method.

    While not yet enforced, it is strongly recommended that any class that implements
    this protocol have an `__init__` method which takes the following arguments:

    - `dataset`: a `Magnetometry` object
    - `parsing_args`: an object with attributes that specify how to parse the data;
    these arguments may be used as arguments to be passed to various `Magnetometry`
    methods. It is recommended that this object be a dataclass with an `as_dict`
    - `fitting_args`: an object with attributes that specify how to fit the data;
    these arguments may include, e.g., starting values, bounds, constraints, etc.
    It is recommended that this object be a dataclass with an `as_dict` method.

    The `__init__` method should perform the analysis and store the results in the
    `results` attribute.

    def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Return a dictionary representation of the analysis. Should include the
        results of the analysis along with any parsing and fitting arguments used.

        The dictionary must include a field "_class_" with the name of the class of
        the analysis object (e.g. "MvsHAnalysis", "ZFCAnalysis", etc.).

        dict[str, Any]


Return a dictionary representation of the analysis. Should include the results of the analysis along with any parsing and fitting arguments used.

The dictionary must include a field "class" with the name of the class of the analysis object (e.g. "MvsHAnalysis", "ZFCAnalysis", etc.).


Type Description
dict[str, Any]
Source code in magnetopy\
def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Return a dictionary representation of the analysis. Should include the
    results of the analysis along with any parsing and fitting arguments used.

    The dictionary must include a field "_class_" with the name of the class of
    the analysis object (e.g. "MvsHAnalysis", "ZFCAnalysis", etc.).

    dict[str, Any]